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Cornus mas L.



Flora Europaea

the original Linnean specimens, named Cornus mascula

shrub, Ph, 2n=18,27, triploid, tetraploid

mesoxeric to mesic, from the forest-steppe to the upper nemoral

Central and Atlantic European, Pontic, Mediterranean

Aceri-Quercion, Rhamno-Prunetea, Fagetalia, Quercetea pubescenti/petreae

R41, R3121-R3129 habitats






A very common nemoral shrub which is especially connected to limestone rocky habitats, where this species provides dense thickets named in Banat 'cornete' after the Romanian name of the species 'corn'.

Boiu de Sus, Hunedoara county, August 2007.

dr. Ioan Ghira, ighira2002@yahoo.com

Scarita-Belioara calcareous massif, Gilau-Muntele Mare Mountains, Alba county, on 3rd of April 2010. This is the spring aspect of the species, which is easily recognoscible but almost unknown by most of the people who from a distance mistake the species for Forsythia which is commonly cultivated in city parks. It is clear in spring that especially on limestone and basalt mountains of Romania thete are huge populations of Cornus mas which can provide great quantities of valuable natural tasty fruits in the autumn, most of them uselessly lost.

dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com




















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